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Vanilla Dungeon Requirements

From OoT Randomizer Wiki
Revision as of 21:48, 8 February 2021 by Blackwall (talk | contribs)

Designed for newer players, so they're closer to vanilla. Assumes weekly settings & standard ruleset (no ER/MQ).

Assumes the weekly settings and standard ruleset (no ER or MQ) without significant tricks. Since these are side dungeons, these are the full-clear requirements.

Inside the Deku Tree

Deku shield, sticks/kokiri sword, deku nuts help, and slingshot (not required with B1 skip).

Dodongo's Cavern

As adult, strength 1 reaches the top, but need bomb bag/bombchus to light the eyes (Chus aren't in logic). Strength 1 can beat King Dodongo, bombchus can't.

Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly

Ruto's letter, boomerang, sticks/kokiri sword, deku nuts help, and either ocarina, Zelda's Lullaby, and explosives or a scale to enter Zora's Domain.

Forest Temple

Hookshot, bow, and strength 1. In rare cases, hover boots can be required for the floormaster chest.

Fire Temple

Bombs/bombchus, strength 1, hammer, a goron tunic (or sufficient hearts), sometimes hookshot, ocarina, and scarecrow song, and potentially bow if key logic is against you. With friendly key logic, only hammer and hover boots (to reach the boss door without dropping the pillar) can be required.

Ice Cavern

Ruto's letter, ocarina, and Zelda's Lullaby are the only strict requirements to reach the song check. A second bottle is recommended though and a hookshot needed to for skulltulas. Also, learning the "Ground Jump" trick with a bomb bag and shield will greatly speed up the sliding block room.

Water Temple

Iron boots and longshot are always required. Usually ocarina and Zelda's Lullaby too. Potentially bow, strength 1, bombs, Zora Tunic, and Song of Time may be necessary. Rarely, hover boots are used to reach the bow eye chest without longshot.

Bottom of the Well

Ocarina, Song of Storms, explosives, Zelda's Lullaby, sticks/Kokiri sword (deadhand is not in default logic with sticks), and magic and lens for the portions normally done after receiving it in vanilla. Boomerang is also needed for the skulltulas.

Shadow Temple

Ocarina, Nocturne of Shadow, magic, Din's fire, hover boots, explosives, strength 1, hookshot (backflip onto the chest where you think the target is too high), Zelda's Lullaby, bow or longshot+scarecrow song (to cross the ravine between boat and boss), and potentially lens of truth, unless you have the dungeon memorized.

Gerudo Training Ground

Bow, hookshot, explosives, ocarina, and song of time are required. Magic and lens could potentially be needed to find the hidden ceiling. Scarecrow song can be skipped by looping the other way around and voiding in the lava after shooting the statue eyes.

Spirit Temple

A method to the Colossus, Strength 2, bombs, hookshot, and mirror shield are hard required. The rest are key logic dependent: ocarina, Zelda's Lullaby, bow, magic and Din's/fire arrows, and longshot (reach the right hand from the left).

Inside Ganon's Castle

Ganon's Castle also has four scrubs and fairies behind an invisible wall on the ground just below the entrance. They sell convenient refills if scrubsanity is off.

Forest Trial

The chest has no requirements, but Din's fire/fire arrows are required to complete. Hover boots are also very useful, but not strictly necessary.

Fire Trial

No chests; requires longshot, strength 3, goron tunic/wallet to buy tunic.

Water Trial

Two chests have no requirements, but a bottle and hammer are required to complete.

Shadow Trial

First chest requires one of these: Song of Time, hookshot, fire arrows, or hover boots. Second chest requires fire arrows OR longshot+hover boots/Din's fire. Hammer and lens of truth are required in addition to the 2nd chest requirements for completion. Though like most other places, memorization can replace lens of truth.

Spirit Trial

First chest requires hookshot, second chest requires also requires bombchus, and completion requires those two plus fire arrows/Din's fire and mirror shield.

Light Trial

Seven chests require only strength 3 and the last chest also requires one key and Zelda's Lullaby. Completion requires strength 3, two keys, and hookshot.